Uninstall Reporting services.
Using these steps, user can delete existing
Reporting services from SQL Server without touching SQL Server database engine.
If system contains more than two
reporting services instances then user can delete all those using the steps
below. User need to run steps for each instance separately and restart the
server after installation of each instance.
Open “Programs and
Features” (aka. Add/Remove Programs)
Select “Microsoft SQL Server
2008 R2″ (64-bit or 32-bit)
Click “Uninstall / Change”
Click “Remove”
Click “Ok”
Select the SQL Server
instance you wish to remove Reporting Services from in the “Instance to
remove features from:” drop down box.
Click “Next >”
Check “Reporting Services”
Click “Next >”
Click “Next >”
Verify the settings.
Click “Remove”
The removal of
“Reporting Services” will progress…
Click “Close”
Removal is completed.
9. Manually
remove/backup the databases ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB from the SQL
Server. If we already had some reports deployed to Reporting Services, we would
do a backup of the databases and reconnect after the new installation. If we
want to set a clean Reporting Services without reports, we can just remove them
using Management Studio.
10. Manually
remove the virtual folders Reports and ReportServer from IIS (This is only for
RS 2005. As you may know, RS 2008 doesn’t use IIS)
11. Manually
remove the folder of the instance of Reporting Services (For example for RS
2008 would be something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER). This folder is not removed automatically and, if we
don’t remove it manually, the configuration files will contain information
about the old configuration and we might conserve old problem if they existed.
Install Reporting services.
Reporting services configuration.
There are only 6 main steps to achieve this task assuming
you already have an instance of SQL Server Reporting Services and SharePoint 2010.
I had created this starting from a clean
installation of SQL Reporting Services so this guide will discuss the steps on
configuring your SQL Reporting Services 2008 for integration
with SharePoint 2010.
Step 1:
Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Web Service URL
Simply go to Reporting Services Configuration
Manager and choose Web Service URL and populate the following needed
information. The fields are named properly so I guess there is no need for
further explanation. What this does is that it configures the IIS for you
depending on what Virtual Directory names you had declared.
Step 2:
Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Create a Report Database
Same here, fields need no further explanation
except for one which is Native Mode and SharePoint
Integrated mode which I will explain below.
Choose create a database or if you already have one
choose an existing one. For this example, we will create a new one:
Connect to the database where you want your Report
Data to be stored:
Give it a Name and a Report Server Mode.
With SharePoint Integrated Mode the report RDLs are stored on SharePoint and not in the Report Database. For this instance, we will use the SharePoint Integrated Mode:
With SharePoint Integrated Mode the report RDLs are stored on SharePoint and not in the Report Database. For this instance, we will use the SharePoint Integrated Mode:
Specify the credentials that the report server will
use to connect to the database.
Review your configuration.
Then wait while it's configured.
Step 3:
Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Create a Report Manager URL
What this does is that it configures the IIS for
you depending on what Virtual Directory names you had declared.
That’s it. At this point, your report server is
configured for SharePoint Integration 2010.
Step 4: SharePoint
Integration Configuration – Reporting Services Integration
Simply go to SharePoint
2010 Central Administration, then General
Application Settings, then choose Reporting Services Integration.
Now populate the fields using the Web Service URL
you had configured a while ago on Step 2 of this guide.
Once done, you will see the Activation State
Step 5: SharePoint
Integration Configuration – Add a Report Server to the Integration
Now add the report server by putting the Server
Name and the Server instance.
At this point it's all done, all you have to do now
is try it out.
Step 6:
Verify by Checking the Server and Uploading a Report
To verify if it's now integrated, go to Site
Settings on your SharePoint Site, then
Site Collection Features.
Check if the Report Server Integration Feature is Active, if not just click
Now try to use the SQL Server Reporting Services
Or you can also upload a report from a library.
That's it, so simple!
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